A Cover Letter should typically be one-half page to a full page - no more than 300-400 words. This will be the first impression that you may make with a recruiter, so choosing specific, concise language will have a better chance of attracting attention. You should have three or four paragraphs separating the ideas you are trying to convey. Try to include Keywords from the job description in the Cover Letter.
The first paragraph should state your purpose;
Dear - find a name within the company, if you don’t know someone specifically, and add here, instead of “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom it may Concern”.
I am very excited to submit my application in regard to the position of (Job Title), at (Company) that I recently found online. Then explain your value, such as:
after comparing my own experience against the requirements on your posting, I really wanted to apply to this position right away! (Shows enthusiasm)
With over 4 years-experience as a (Job Title), I have developed the necessary skills to succeed in your position, etc..….(Here you might add a specific experience that shows how you would be a value….)
I believe I would be an excellent fit for your organization.
This second paragraph should include your relevant experience and qualifications. Using Bullets is an ideal way to ensure that that information stands out on the Cover Letter, and is quickly visible. The longer the letter, the less likely it will be read to conclusion.
The last paragraph should include appreciation for considering your candidacy; or asking for a meeting; or indicating a time in the future when you may follow up. This is an introduction to you and why you want this position.
Although some may argue that a Cover Letter is not necessary in today’s algorithmic environment, the vast majority of recruiters prefer to receive a Cover Letter - even if they don’t necessarily read it completely. If the job application indicates that a Cover Letter is optional, write one anyway. It will demonstrate your willingness to go above and beyond what is asked. A well-written Cover Letter will entice the reader to look at your resume and ultimately request an interview. It will also demonstrate your writing and communication skills.