It is not advisable to include your salary information or requirements on your resume. While that information may be helpful to both you and recruiter in deciding whether you would be interested or viable, there are many times when salary ranges change. Also, the salary range for the existing job will hopefully be higher than your current salary, and you don’t want the offer to be less as a result of sharing too much information prematurely. Sometimes it is possible to research specific job positions and understand, in advance, the compensation for a specific job.
If you feel it necessary to include information about your prior salary, or future salary expectations, a preferred way to state that is adding a salary range. For example:
Seeking opportunities in the $50,000 to $70,000, annually, which is consistent with my current salary level. I will be happy to discuss this further at a future date.
Alternatively, you might also simply state:
The only reason to include your salary a/o salary expectations on a resume is when specifically requested by a potential employer, without which you would not be considered. In this case, providing a range would be the best approach. There are some state laws where companies are not permitted to ask about salary history, which you can check in advance.Salary negotiable depending on the opportunity and the compensation package.